Thursday, December 27, 2007

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas all,

Happy New Year

Holidays in Korea

Hey all, I guess I wont be seeing many of you this Holiday.
I am spending my holiday here in Korea. Well Christmas has past, and New Years is coming soon. Things here have been pretty nice so far. I am enjoying my time here. met lots of rally kool people. We even had a really kool Christmas party. Just a few friends from around. I still have to post those pictures sometime.

Hmmmm there have been a few things on my mind as of late. I have more or less planned out what I want to do in the next few years. Planning is a healthy thing to do and those of you who really know me, know that its not one of my greatest skills. Well planning, maybe its more of where I envision myself to be in the next few years. The break down is simple: 1) one more year here in Korea just to really develop some teaching skills. 2) Return to Ontario for my B.Education. 3) Teach abroad in Africa, for at least 6month. I think I say 6 months cause in some ways the idea of a year in Africa actually frightens me. Who knows maybe it will be a year.

This direction bring a few things that I really have a heart for, education (ie. the growth of youth), HIV pandemic, especially in Africa.

A few thing that have made me second guess this approach, are making myself stable financially for my parents, and finding a gf. PS I should really exercise more. hehe hmm what to do, what to do? To bad the answers aren't simple, but ever said life was. We do all make our own paths in life. Our lives are ours to shape.

I guess "balance really is the swinging of from one of end of the pendulum to the other"


Monday, December 3, 2007

December in Korea

Well the last post was kinda odd. I was teaching my kids about Canada and I showed them the "I'am Canadian" commercials from the 90's. Do you guys remember those? Way to represent Canada, eh?

Well what has happened in the past while? Kyle and I went to Busan this past weekend. Amazing experience I would love to go back. We alomst didn't make it back. We missed our buses and trains, and had to make a long detour home but we made home. It was really great to see out friend Mindy. Who came to Korea to visit family and us. We took the Bullet Train home. that was fun. First class tickets, which cost about 50 bucks canadian for a 2hr ride. it was sweet, but we had to cause the other tickets were sold out.

Things are going well. I miss TO and the friends there and picturing staying another year seems easy and hard at the same time. Being back for 2 weeks this summer, will be great to catch up with friends but bad cause it is not enough time to catch up.

*** I give full permission for you my friends to slap me if I respond with a, "Ya, Korea was alrite."

But I cant wait to see you all.

Things with Ahreum are going pretty well. I am happy we are good friends. Its fun sharing things with her. Fun to hang out with too. There are language barriers, but we overcome them with a sense of humor. I really don't know where it will lead, but ya we ll see.

I again hope you are all doing well. I have been itching to find this video game o well. But that is just me getting the video game withral.

well can't wait to see you all,


Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I am Canadian

Pushing Foward Regardless

Hey everyone. How are you all doing?
I know it has been a while since I last posted and alot of cool thing have happened.
Mostly recently I caught a bit of a flu. I am recovering really quickly I have lost the shakes, and shivers, same to the puking. => It was only one night. No worries.

Last weekend I went with a good friend Ah Reum. We went to the top of Seoul. Namsan Seould Tower,it was quite beautiful. The lights of the city at night shown like stars and there is one picture which I will hopefully get up soon of the window that looks toward Toronto.

Two weekends ago Kyle and I went to Seorak San. aka Mt Seorak. or Sorak. It was an incredible thrill. I lost feeling in my legs half way through. It was a long walk to the base of the mountain and LONG walk up. Imagine about 200 Koreans on a sketchy ladder about a couple hundred feet about the ground. If you look out you would see empty space infront of you. AMAZING SITE. SCAREEST THING EVER!! Honestly If I took a two steps out I would have died lol. But he view from the top was spectacular. I learned really what it meant to push forward. We often talk about pushing forward when we dont feel like it. This was us pushing forward when we physically couldn't. Athletes know this limit, those who suffer no this limit. I think i just recently learned this. There is a big difference between continuing when we dont feel like it and continuing when we can't. That's an oxymoron for ya.

Any way recent thoughts. I miss home. And there are very few words that I would use to describe this feeling. Not that I am incredibly saddened or depressed, but the feelinig of longing to be with friends that I have had the company of being with in a LONG time. People I wish i could really share my life deeper with but can't because of the thousands of miles between us. But whast has kept me together has been this. See it all to the end. If I can make it to through this year. We will see where I am at. If I make through this year. We will see what God really wants to do with me and am I really willing to go. It would be really easy for me to go back home for the holidays. Drain me try but, hey not out of the question BUT, I will endure to the end cause I really want to see what I am made out of.

here another really long post from nate


Sunday, October 21, 2007

2 Month Mark

Wow its almost been 2 months. What can I say, it feels like home here. I have a steady rythmn going. School, teacing. nap. dinner. saturday goto korean lessons. sunday goto church. Ya this is good.

I really cant believe its only been 2 months which means i have another 10 to go. Now that I think about it 10 more months will be a breeze because 2 of those are school vacation. If I come back or not is the next big question and what will I do with my art skills? Many big life questions: like especially God what are you going to do with me? Sorry thats sounds so passive. But think of it more as getting advice from a big brother. Cause its true, I can follow to the T, what I hear, or I can not and get smited. hehe. jk. Anyway, I am seeking for my life to grow deeper that just he simple issues of financial security. I want to serve and help ppl.

Things here are good tho. I being trained to be part of production at church which is sweet. The sundays school lessons are really engaging. Though I skipped this weekends.

Check out my pics on facebook.

I went to the Seoul Fireworks Festival. It was amazing what they can do with those. If I were to go back to school I would love love to study to become a firworks technician. I get to blow things up in a very artistic way LOL. and hey bright shiney colours.

I am really what am I gonna do with art? I want to continue, but being a professional artistic might nto be my thing.

Well just some of my thoughts.

take care all.


PS have any of you been watching HEROES. ITS SOOO GOOD

Monday, October 8, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Unfortunately, I am not celebrating Thanksgiving with all of you. IN korea we had it a couple of weeks ago. But it was a 5 day Holiday, the weekend and 3 extra days off.
I had a great time at the Onnuri Retreat this past weekend. It was busy and getting there was a bit of a pain, but it was quite fun. I arrived too late to catch the bus from church. I arrived in Seould about 9pm. darn traffic which was like a 3 hr trip. But i ws able to phone up a few friends and crash. THen wake up super earlyt o catch the second bus in the morning.

There are pictures on my facebook.

I love my new camera. I tooks some nice pictures. I saw a dog far there, yum the other meat. hehe.

Then I got to hang out with a good friend. On sunday. I bought new glasses, and we watched most of Italian Job at a DVD room. It was good times. Need to make more rooom for resting hehe

yay. =P

Hope you are all doing well. and feel free to write comments or post on my wall at facebook

CU all when I CU next.


Sunday, September 30, 2007

G9 baby!!

Hey I picked my camera today. ITS SOOOO SWEET. GO RAW FORMAT. man ppl tried to sell a few differnt things. But i gotta give shouts to my friend Ah Reum. You totally rock in negoiating prices =>

O ya had a great time chilling with you.

So soon Ill have pics up, of my life here Korea. Friends Students etc.

here are a few of my recent thought and this is on the Christian side of things. The importance of "action" AND "contemplation". In my church experience we often have more contemplation than action. I think this past year I have been liviing with more action than contemplation. But the importance is to have both. What i have learned about myself is yes, I really left Canada without much thought. But that was probably because more than anything else I was driven by passion. A passion to see the world and a passion to see what God is doing in the world. Passion of course being the drive into action. Am I prepared to be a teacher. NO. But am I willing to learn and reflect on what that means yes. Because of this process I am learning to be humble. And be even more flexible than when I left Canada. There is no looking back. but forward to where God is leading.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


hehe lots of male nudity. I spent my nites of Chusok, which is the Korean thanksgiving, crashing in rooms full of naked men. I crashed wth a few friends in a JimJilBang, which is essentially a bath house. Well there was a girls side and a guys side. which is kool even a commone area to hit up the saunas and cold rooms. It was quite good for my cold hehe.

Chusok was realy fun. But i froze my accoutn and didnt pick up the camera i wanted. yarg.. its so pretty. the Canon Powershot G9. so pretty. it even shoots in RAW format. so worth the money. =P

I am going to Onnuri church. In Seoul the friends are great there. I met a few new ppl each week. It so good there. I kind of wish i lived in Seoul now tho. but thats kool.

Im trying to listten to God but. not always easy.
Trying to seek God. And he's been whispering. But sometimes i feel deaf and it just becomes blurbs. hehe. but ya he has been good.

Chusok. I met alot of really nice cute girls in Seoul. thanks to my good friend Tom. Nothing is happening with them. which is kool. Cause I dont think Im ready for a relationship yet. Those sometimes I lie to myself and say that I am.

Truth is Im still trying figure things out. O ya sorry Fiona. If my writing is messy. Let me know if it is guys, and I'll try and clean it up.

Yes my thoughts are very scattered sometimes. You know me the artist mind. Or is more ADD.

Well love you all.
Take care. Live blessed

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Change in Weather

The weather is changing here in Korea. OIvey getting kooler.
my throat is feeling it too. sucky sucky.

Need lemon, ginnger, honey heheh. so need remedies..

o ya crazy giant spiders herhe


Monday, September 17, 2007

Week 3 - of Teaching

Hey eveyron Life has been good here.
Even tho I have my reservation, I dolove it here. Though there are times when I know I'm missing out on alot. Especially back home. Missed your good buy dinner grace. Missed CCF OD and BBF. the MEAT NOOOO!!! weeeping in bitterness.

Actually the people at Onnuri Yangjae Church have been so hopsitable. They have really welcomed me even tho i live like 2 hr bus ride away. Why do i like this church. They have a vision. 2000 missionaries by 2010, now that is a goal. I've only known them a few weeks but i do feel like family already. Isn't that sweet. But its all about listending to God. I hope I am doing the right things.

My greatest point of confusion is whether or not this is a time of being lead, or a time where God is letting met lead. That sounds so strange, cause isnt God always leading? Yes, but i believe there are times when God wants to see what we will do with his gifts. It's the idea that we have agency in our relationship with Christ. We often hear the metaphor of Jesus knocking at our door, to come. But if we know He's coming wouldn't it be nice to keep the door unlocked for him. Or even better wait to great him. Thats showing initiative, and that is taking responsibility for this thing we call a relationship with God.

SO in this time, thats what i think about. along with my failures, waiting for success as a teacher. heheh.

People again here are great. There are time when I do miss home. But that is the calling. That is what it means to be sent out.


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My Lesson today flopped

My lesson today flopped. Apparantly my approach was a little advanced, which sucks. I hope there is a way to engage them. in thing other than just conversation. I want to be challenged too. =P

O well i guess I gotta learn from it.


Willing to Fail

One of the important things I am learning here is that it is important to fail. Its a pretty crazy idea. It doesnt make completely sense either when we think and plan to do our best for God.

but one of the things we are reminded of is taht God humbles the proud. It is proud of us to think we can achieve everything we set out hearts on. Ie example David may have planned the temple. But Solomon built it, Jeremiah propheized its destuction, I think Ezekiel rebuilt it. Then Jesus came

Each day I am reminded how much i have to learn about teaching. There are times when I wish i could fast forward it. I wish that it magically just come to me. But realistically its not like that. I have to be patient and I have much to learn. I have much to learn about teaching and I have much to learn about beign a friend.

Korea has been really great. and I cant believe its been almost 3 weeks. but i am learning that i need to be more flexible. which is werid cause i always thought I could do anything,and that I was really flexible. Well I am learning something new everyday.

O ya i finally got paid or at least rembursed today for my flight so i have money yay.I will have a camera soon Hopefully. So i can take prety pictures for you all.

Sound good?

Love you all .

take care

Monday, September 10, 2007

Member or Missionary

Hey everyone. I have finally started teaching this week. yay. It's diffferent and interesting. The kids are great. I am teachign middle school. My main school is an all girls middle school. Yay nate surrounded by girls, who aren't even legal. I get many "I love yous" and "You are beautiful" It can get a little scarey.

I realized something important about why, I am in Korea today. Those who may not know what is under the skin. Is that in this last year I have been hearing the word "go" a lot from God. The word go has more or less defined my relationship in the past half a year. Go and not the words stay, or wait, or even stop. But go. I really didnt know where. It was only important that I go, because this is a time when I would be shaped by God. Molded into someone better equiped to follow Him. I love it. It actually tough like showering, is limited, my shower goes form super hot to pretty cold. and its only a showerheard in bathroom with a drain.

Adjusting to the various new sechdules is not easy, but quite exciting. What I have learned in the past little bit is that in seeking God, we must be willing to fail. We must be willing to let our plans crumble and fall apart. In that, will we see God fully in our lives. Only then will we understand that God isn't just a safety net, but our partner in life. Other wise we are stil depending on what our hands can do.

there is more to come. Just a bit of what has been sitting in my mind. And what I have been reading.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Day 9.. Day Before School

Hey everyone.

Ok well its actually the 3rd. I have been tardy on these posts. Sorry everyone.

But im kinda tired now. What has happened. Well i have finished training and I am now in my base town. JinCheon. Its kinda small. Part rural. Part Urban. So there is decent shopping.

It first few days, were kinda tough. I did feel home sick and I still do abit. I went to a local church I have no idea. What they were saying in Korean, but being in a church gabe me comfort. Hopefully I will check out this church in Seoul that a friend suggested to me.

Today was teh first day of class. For the most part I was introducing myself to the class. It was interesting but I still have a lot to learn. I ll try my best but at time i feel that isnt enough.

I pray ill larn fast =>

But the school are great and I am still alive which is good. Kids are great. and who know I might have a fan club soon. great.

Laters everyone take care.


Monday, August 27, 2007

Day 3- First day of Training

Today was the first day of traingin which went pretty well. We received a break down of how things are going to go in the next few day. After that will be teaching at our respective locations.

SInce it was first day, training was pretty much running through alot of ligistical things. Which is kool, cause we need to know them to be paid and not be kicked out of the country.

We met a few interesting people who have had experience with Teaching English and how that works here in Korea. I we also had a surprise introduciton to the Govenor of Education. WOW not expect. Im glad i tucked in my shirt, as soon I entered the building. Um kyle didnt pick up on that. hehhe. Its all good. Even thought it was quite formal. It didnt matter so much because it was a surpirse. The Govenor had a sweet office.

MORE talking and such. IM getting a better understanding of how things go here. It very Asia, quite a few similarities between Korean and Chinese cultures. Mr Yu our program supervisor, keeps saying that I am actually Korean.

Ive been getting, Korean alot. Which is kool but werid at the same time. If it doens come ouor verbally. It sometimes comes out in looks. I gotta strug it off and focus on why I'm here. I love it, but feel distant by it too. I love it cause i makes me feel like part of the community. I feels weird cause its just a judgment based on appearance. But ITs all good. THings are still running smoothly and its been really fun.

Talk to you all later.


Friday, August 24, 2007


Hey everyone,
Im alive and well in Korea. My hotel has internet.
Gotta Jet post more later

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

3 DAYS Left

Wow only 3 days left.
Still alot to do. lol.
