Sunday, October 21, 2007

2 Month Mark

Wow its almost been 2 months. What can I say, it feels like home here. I have a steady rythmn going. School, teacing. nap. dinner. saturday goto korean lessons. sunday goto church. Ya this is good.

I really cant believe its only been 2 months which means i have another 10 to go. Now that I think about it 10 more months will be a breeze because 2 of those are school vacation. If I come back or not is the next big question and what will I do with my art skills? Many big life questions: like especially God what are you going to do with me? Sorry thats sounds so passive. But think of it more as getting advice from a big brother. Cause its true, I can follow to the T, what I hear, or I can not and get smited. hehe. jk. Anyway, I am seeking for my life to grow deeper that just he simple issues of financial security. I want to serve and help ppl.

Things here are good tho. I being trained to be part of production at church which is sweet. The sundays school lessons are really engaging. Though I skipped this weekends.

Check out my pics on facebook.

I went to the Seoul Fireworks Festival. It was amazing what they can do with those. If I were to go back to school I would love love to study to become a firworks technician. I get to blow things up in a very artistic way LOL. and hey bright shiney colours.

I am really what am I gonna do with art? I want to continue, but being a professional artistic might nto be my thing.

Well just some of my thoughts.

take care all.


PS have any of you been watching HEROES. ITS SOOO GOOD

Monday, October 8, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Unfortunately, I am not celebrating Thanksgiving with all of you. IN korea we had it a couple of weeks ago. But it was a 5 day Holiday, the weekend and 3 extra days off.
I had a great time at the Onnuri Retreat this past weekend. It was busy and getting there was a bit of a pain, but it was quite fun. I arrived too late to catch the bus from church. I arrived in Seould about 9pm. darn traffic which was like a 3 hr trip. But i ws able to phone up a few friends and crash. THen wake up super earlyt o catch the second bus in the morning.

There are pictures on my facebook.

I love my new camera. I tooks some nice pictures. I saw a dog far there, yum the other meat. hehe.

Then I got to hang out with a good friend. On sunday. I bought new glasses, and we watched most of Italian Job at a DVD room. It was good times. Need to make more rooom for resting hehe

yay. =P

Hope you are all doing well. and feel free to write comments or post on my wall at facebook

CU all when I CU next.
