Monday, October 8, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Unfortunately, I am not celebrating Thanksgiving with all of you. IN korea we had it a couple of weeks ago. But it was a 5 day Holiday, the weekend and 3 extra days off.
I had a great time at the Onnuri Retreat this past weekend. It was busy and getting there was a bit of a pain, but it was quite fun. I arrived too late to catch the bus from church. I arrived in Seould about 9pm. darn traffic which was like a 3 hr trip. But i ws able to phone up a few friends and crash. THen wake up super earlyt o catch the second bus in the morning.

There are pictures on my facebook.

I love my new camera. I tooks some nice pictures. I saw a dog far there, yum the other meat. hehe.

Then I got to hang out with a good friend. On sunday. I bought new glasses, and we watched most of Italian Job at a DVD room. It was good times. Need to make more rooom for resting hehe

yay. =P

Hope you are all doing well. and feel free to write comments or post on my wall at facebook

CU all when I CU next.


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