Sunday, October 21, 2007

2 Month Mark

Wow its almost been 2 months. What can I say, it feels like home here. I have a steady rythmn going. School, teacing. nap. dinner. saturday goto korean lessons. sunday goto church. Ya this is good.

I really cant believe its only been 2 months which means i have another 10 to go. Now that I think about it 10 more months will be a breeze because 2 of those are school vacation. If I come back or not is the next big question and what will I do with my art skills? Many big life questions: like especially God what are you going to do with me? Sorry thats sounds so passive. But think of it more as getting advice from a big brother. Cause its true, I can follow to the T, what I hear, or I can not and get smited. hehe. jk. Anyway, I am seeking for my life to grow deeper that just he simple issues of financial security. I want to serve and help ppl.

Things here are good tho. I being trained to be part of production at church which is sweet. The sundays school lessons are really engaging. Though I skipped this weekends.

Check out my pics on facebook.

I went to the Seoul Fireworks Festival. It was amazing what they can do with those. If I were to go back to school I would love love to study to become a firworks technician. I get to blow things up in a very artistic way LOL. and hey bright shiney colours.

I am really what am I gonna do with art? I want to continue, but being a professional artistic might nto be my thing.

Well just some of my thoughts.

take care all.


PS have any of you been watching HEROES. ITS SOOO GOOD

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