Sunday, September 2, 2007

Day 9.. Day Before School

Hey everyone.

Ok well its actually the 3rd. I have been tardy on these posts. Sorry everyone.

But im kinda tired now. What has happened. Well i have finished training and I am now in my base town. JinCheon. Its kinda small. Part rural. Part Urban. So there is decent shopping.

It first few days, were kinda tough. I did feel home sick and I still do abit. I went to a local church I have no idea. What they were saying in Korean, but being in a church gabe me comfort. Hopefully I will check out this church in Seoul that a friend suggested to me.

Today was teh first day of class. For the most part I was introducing myself to the class. It was interesting but I still have a lot to learn. I ll try my best but at time i feel that isnt enough.

I pray ill larn fast =>

But the school are great and I am still alive which is good. Kids are great. and who know I might have a fan club soon. great.

Laters everyone take care.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! i didn't know you had this blog. Good to know you're doing well in Korea :)